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June 25, 2017

Meet Demi: Our Sales & Business Ops Intern

Meet Demi!

Hi! My name is Demi Bang and I’m a Mathematics major at Arizona State University! Being a model for the past two years have sparked my interest of what it’s like being behind the camera, which is why I decided to intern for Karlie, so I can learn more about photography and eventually how to run a business.

Your dream job?

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure! Probably something that will pay the bills, haha. I have so many interests that it’s pretty hard to pinpoint exactly what I would like to do as a career. I’m just trying to explore as much as I can right now because I’m so eager to learn about everything. I’m really passionate about modeling and it would be a DREAM to get signed with an agency. More realistically, maybe I can run my own beauty salon since I have my nail and esthetician license, or get a PhD and do research in Math? Who knows! I’ll probably end up being a stay at home mom with no kids since I’m so lazy.

5 years ago, what did you think you would be doing right now?

Hmm, well in 2012, I was starting high school and I was so determined that I was gonna go into the medical field and become a doctor. Specifically a dermatologist or a cardiologist. The show House MD and Grey’s Anatomy really inspired me to work in the medical field. I probably thought I was gonna be a biochemistry major and volunteer at a hospital or something! I tookHonors Biology in Junior year, and that’s when it hit me. I genuinely did not care about biology and fell in love with math. (Sorry mom! Hopefully you’re okay with me being a mathematician than a doctor!)

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Hot and Spicy McChicken from McDonalds. I know McDonalds is bad for you, but I just can’t help it! It’s only $1 and it’s soooooo good. I ate them for a week straight and honestly, #noregrets.

What’s your go-to rainy day movie?

Definitely the Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan! I love DC comic and I absolutely adore Christian Bale as Batman. (Sorry, Ben Affleck!)

What’s the most random thing you do in your free time?

Window shopping online? Is that a thing? I like to add clothes to my basket and then at the check out page, I would copy and paste all the items into an excel sheet. I honestly have no idea why I do that. I don’t even refer back to the excel file, hahaha.

Snapchat or Instagram?

Instagram all the way. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet one of my closest friends through the photography/modeling community on Instagram and I’m forever grateful for all of the people I met through the app! Moving up to Phoenix from Tucson when I didn’t know anyone was one of the most anxiety inducing thing that ever happen to me and I was lucky enough to find friends through this platform.

New York or Los Angeles?

I’ve never been to New York, but nonetheless, I’d still choose Log Angeles! The City of Angels!

Coffee or Tea?


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