


welcome to the blog

February 28, 2018


This Senior Session is a special one for me. I have been Courtney’s high school mentor at church for the past 4 years! I have watched her grow from a young girl entering high school to a beautiful woman about to take on the world. I have always admired Courtney for her maturity and free spirit. She is goofy, funny, and outgoing. She is mature, sympathetic, and caring. Courtney is the best of both worlds, she has one foot on the adult side and the other in the kid world. I hope she always rides the line between the two. In the journey of riding the line you have successes of an adult but the adventure of a child. I think that is something we all strive for. To hold the fun, free spirited, reach for the stars mindset we all start with, and pair that with our adult life. Courtney is truly one of a kind. I have enjoyed watching her grow and learn the past 4 years as my student, and even though I am sad to see her graduate I am excited for the years to come where I get to watch her grow and learn as my friend.


I love you Courtney, thank you for letting me do life with you. Thank you for letting me lead you, trusting me with my guidance, and inspiring me to always be better for you girls. I am so incredibly proud of you.


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